tomatoes production by smallholders




1.0 Introduction

This whole.

1.1 Background of the Study


Cultivated Mexican.

Acting world.

Tomato habit.

Cameroon like many other Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries are still dependent on agriculture for food and livelihood with the exploitation of natural resources remaining the driving force for the country’s economic growth and development. Farming is a vital sector involving 80%of the country’s poor and contributing about 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Molua and Lambi, 2006). Since independence, the Cameroonian government has made many attempts to improve the productivity of smallholder agriculture in the country. For tomato, this has involved the development of high yielding varieties, subsidization of improved seed varieties and fertilizers, liberalization of tomato prices and product marketing. Despite all these efforts, food security continues to be a problem in Cameroon as is the situation in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries. One important step towards achieving food security could be increasing productivity through enhancing efficiency in production (Wudineh and Endrias, 2016). In terms of food production, Cameroon is one of the few African countries to have achieved virtual food self-sufficiency and even earns foreign exchange of over 40% (DSCN, 2002). Attempts are still being made to improve the agricultural sector in Cameroon (GESP, 2009). Climatic conditions such as temperature (20 to 28°C), and annual rainfall (3000 to 5000 mm) (Manga et al., 2013) are favorable for agriculture. The population is cosmopolitan with most of the people living in small scale or peasant farming.

Despite its favorable climatic condition for the cultivation of tomatoes and other agricultural products, the production capacity of Cameroon in general and Buea, in particular, is still well below average. One of the main reasons for this low productivity in agriculture which is not particular to Cameroon is the inability of farmers to fully exploit the available technologies and production techniques coupled with limited factors of production which has made it difficult for farmers to improve production through the use of more inputs (Kavoi et al., 2016). The less-than-optimal performance of the agricultural sector creates a vacuum for food sustenance which ought to be looked into particularly the smallholder tomato farming sector since it involves a good number of households and therefore is vital for food security.

One key to increasing food production in Cameroon lies in raising agricultural productivity through improving the technical efficiency of resource use in agriculture. Productivity entails both technological improvements and technical efficiency (Ogada et al., 2014). Improving the technical efficiency of farmers will lead to an increase in the yield of farmers which will, in turn, lead to increase in food supply, food security, higher incomes and better standards of living. This will go a long way to reduce the dependence and importation of canned tomatoes as high yields will promote the proliferation of agro-allied industries which will process the tomato fruits. In addition, this will increase the domestic supply which will lead to lower prices in local markets and the potential to export for foreign exchange earnings. However, the main problem here is the existence of very little land to cultivate and improve on the output. Furthermore, the available labor is not well-trained and lack the needed experience to push production to the next level. Finally, there is inadequate institutional support given to tomato farmers coupled with very little access to credits and inputs.

These trends call for research to assess the determinants of grain management on small farms, especially those post-harvest risks that shape the storage practices of these farmers. This study attempts to respond to that call of continue increasing of cultivating daily. Dramatic events such as changing weather patterns, severe food shortages and financial stocks in many parts of the globe have all been suggesting a more and more complex and threatening global risk landscape (Elhaut, 2011). For countries that rely heavily on agriculture and natural resources, cautious management of these risks may become critical to achieving socio-economic development, especially as they hardly produce isolated effects. Agriculture is indeed the main stay of Sub-Saharan African economies (Balgah and Buchenrieder 2011; Abass et al., 2013). As such, the performance of this sector can mean a significant change from deficit to stability or to surplus and vice versa. Among farmed species, Tomatoes (Zea Mays L.) constitutes an important portion of the diets of people and livestock and is widely grown in Sub-Saharan Africa (Epule and Bryant, 2014).


1.2. Statement of the problem

Tomatoes production in Buea- Mile 16 is getting unstable since the Anglophone crises is caused distraction to local and national government about marketing system and food crop production in Buea. Tomatoes is not only a stable vegetable food in Cameroon, but it is also considered an Economic safety net as much of it is often exported and consumed in different parts of Cameroon Value adding base on the production due to the nature of tomatoes which are not resistance in terms of longitivity Challenged by inefficient production and storage technology, price uncertainty, risk aversion or urgent need for cash among others. As a consequence, some farmers wanting to avoid potential shocks might opt for early sales at very low prices. This eventually undermines their incomes and financial security as they often end up purchasing vegetable during the rainy period at higher rates. Others might decide to hold large stock until the following planting period and would often be compelled to sell seeds of a poorer quality at very low prices due to pest attack and weakly nature of seed. This equally leads to low returns and low profitability to the farmer caring out tomatoes farming. According to this situation aggravates the already challenging low vegetable availability, low agricultural incomes and limited market opportunities for small scale

farmers who are yet net deficit grain producers. Ideally, tomatoes would be stored in sufficient quantities to cover the food and financial needs of a farm household between harvest and lean periods, but the diversity of

risks a small-scale farmer is compelled to manage could greatly influence

storage decisions and practices

1.3. Research question

1.3.1. Main research question

·        What are the effects of post-Harvest   challenges of tomatoes production on small holders’ Farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

1.3.2. Specific research questions

·        What are the challenges of post-harvest on tomatoes production on small holders’ farmers in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

·        What are the factors affecting post-harvest in tomatoes production in Buea-Mile 16 Community?

·        To what extent has post-harvest challenges on tomatoes production on small holders’ farmers in Mile 16 and how to overcome the problems?

1.4. Objectives of the study

1.4.1. Main objective

To examine the challenges of post-harvest of tomatoes production by smallholders’ farmers in Mile 16 Community.
